Training in negative
How to check the quality of our training
A good way to seriously analyze the quality of our preparation in 6 Dragons Kung Fu (martial practice, health care, nutrition, meditation, etc.) is to do not dwell solely on what we have done but also about what we missed.
The attention to the details is useless without a good general overview.
The point is that it is not only important what we constructively do throughout our daily effort: on the balance of our physical and mental growth weighs also what we do in negative.
We are not always what we think we are.
We are at the same time:
- What we do not do (eg. recovery exercises, warm-up, etc.)
- What we do (eg. speed training, spatial intelligence development, etc.)
- How we do what we do (eg. wrong diet, incorrect conditioning, etc.)
Negative training examples
Let’s see a few examples to clarify the concept of positive and negative training:
- Repetitions – It’s useless to endlessly repeat the same movement if we do not focus (each time) on the idea of doing it better than the previous executions (read Same exercises, different execution)
- Meditation focus – It’s useless to remain motionless in silence for hours and hours (read Meditation method 1) if we do not focus on empty our mind (this way, for example, at the first provocation we will be the prey of the anger)
- Effort calibration – It’s useless to train at 150% of our energies if, the following day, we will be unable to train even at 10% (read Intensity of training: depends on what?)
- Caloric consumption – It makes no sense to burn thousands of calories in a single day if we do not control their assumption contextually to a monthly / weekly balance (read Qi and proper nutrition)
- Patience – It’s silly to train with a heavy weapon if we are not able to handle (at high speed) its training version; we lose valuable time impoverishing our fighting capability (read Learning the use of real weapons)
- …
What is the balance of our day?
Positive or negative: whether we are aware of it or not, training never ends.
Again, we must not consider our practice exclusively from the point of view of the pure training session‘s exercises: everything we do has positive or negative feedback on ourselves.
We must understand that in 24 hours, even 4-6 hours (read Tips on how to stretch our training times) of dedication are only 20% of the day:
- What do we do in the remaining time?
- How do we behave?
- With what spirit we face the problems?
- Do we want to be true martial arts practitioners or do we just want to look like them?
- …
How to get training into daily life?
Kung fu does not end in a place and it is not enclosed in a span of time. If it is lived fully and sincerely it completely permeates our lives in a natural and spontaneous way.
Let’s see with some examples what does it mean to truly make Kung Fu a way of living:
- If there is to walk, we can run
- If we can take a lukewarm shower, we can also make it cold
- If we can have a neutral attitude we can also have a positive one
- If a person is in trouble (and cannot do alone) we must help him / her
- If we have more than what we need, we have to share at least a small part of it
- If we know something that can help others improve we have to share it with them
- If we can do 50% without effort, with dedication, we can also make 100% (for us and for the others)
- …
Final notes
A few conclusive thoughts:
- Every moment in which we begin to do something wrong or fail to do something right, we go down a rung on the ladder of our preparation and we add a brick to the tower we are climbing (the tower of our weaknesses)
- We have to understand that time does not return, there is a finite number of flying kicks, whip punches, thoughts (etc.) that in our lifetime we will be able to express and each of these may be the last (this is the best reason to live intensely, without the remorse for not giving everything we could)
- The martial spirit has to be trained as much as the body; we have to act towards us and towards others in a positive, humble and devoid of superficiality (this will make us stronger, more resilient and finally happier)
A note by Master Kongling – Remember: until we will remain humble, our growth (mental and physical) will never stop.
In the next article of this series, we will see how to insert small training exercises in our daily life (read also The constant training in everyday life).
In-depth video courses
- Basic 6 Dragons Kung Fu Exercises – The core exercises to start to develop real martial skills
In-depth articles
- Achieve maximum performance – How to reach our peak performances
- The right age to start practice – The truth about addressing a real Kung Fu training
Reply in the comments and share your experience:
- What could be the errors that damage the general quality of your training?
Author: Master Kongling
Founder of 6 Dragons Kung Fu.
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August 4, 2019 @ 4:56 am
I’ve never seen the things this way
August 4, 2019 @ 11:15 am
November 20, 2019 @ 4:26 pm
A very interesting point of view
November 24, 2019 @ 2:03 am
April 3, 2020 @ 6:10 pm
I think you are right
April 5, 2020 @ 4:04 am
February 25, 2023 @ 6:25 am
I love this topic! Never seen the workout from this perspective!
May 24, 2023 @ 8:58 pm
Never considered training from this perspective. Respect.
June 11, 2023 @ 5:37 am