Qi: meaning and application in Kung Fu
What Qi is not and our approach
The first thing to stress is that, in 6 Dragons Kung Fu, Qi has nothing supernatural:
- Our vision is far from religion / superstition / paranormal
- All of what we explain has been (at least) tested firsthand
- What is still in a theoretical / experimental phase is not explained to our students (until we cannot use / replicate it at a good qualitative level)
Note – This article has been asked by one of our Core Course practitioners on Patreon (see how to attend our home study classes hereĀ Learn Kung Fu online: a beginner-to-expert course).
We want also to underline that:
- We do not overlap with other Ki / Qi concepts (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc.); what we are going to describe is our school’s vision, nothing more nothing less
- We refuse to pass off our teachings as certainties, instead, from a more rational point of view, we limit ourselves to transmit our constant acceptance of the probable (until proven otherwise)
What we call “Qi” in our school and its applications
Qi could be initially defined as a connection point between the set of mental / bodily skills that we are going to develop within our martial path.
This kind of “energy” has several “manifestations” and very practical uses. Here there are the main ones:
- For general wellness improvement
- To ease pain and stimulate the body
- To manage / alter the states of heat and cold
- To create a deeper perception of internal organs’ functionality
- To manage the most advanced body control techniques we teach
- For meditation / concentration / abstraction
- For combat
- For sexuality and pleasure
- To control our emotional states
- …
A note by Master Kongling – Gradually we will explore each of these applications, from the simplest (eg. general wellness) to the more challenging (eg. in a fight) but as it is easy to understand, these capabilities are not always quick to be obtained: for some of them may not be enough a whole life (eg. the higher levels of abstraction).
How to easily feel what we call Qi
Before studying the Qi notions, we need to understand what it is and begin to physically feel it.
Let’s therefore see some common expressions of Qi that are present in everyday life but over which, we have no control (and especially which we are so used to recognize as exceptional):
- The temperature variations of our body (both emotional reactions or due to the climate)
- The tension or relaxation of the compositional elements of our body
- The management of fluids (sweat, salivation, etc.)
- The shiver of pleasure, of cold, of fear (etc.)
- The transition of force from one muscle to the others
- The sexual orgasm and / or the spread of pain between nerves
- The acceleration / slowdown of the heartbeat
- The feelings of tension or relaxation in our head
- Our degree of concentration due to brain electrical activity
- The release of certain internal substances to our body (adrenaline, etc.)
- The access (normally locked) to certain bodily resources in particular situations
- …
A rational starting point
There is nothing mysterious, all of these exchanges of energy (heat, mechanical force, electricity, etc.):
- Are common to all human beings
- Have all a scientific explanation
- Can be controlled consciously (more or less directly)
- Can be combined with each other
- Together, can be called “manifestations of Qi”
At the base of Qi effectiveness
Now that we know what is Qi, let’s introduce its sources and roots:
- Oxygen and its correct distribution
- Calories and all the nutritional elements that we assume (water included, read Qi and proper nutrition)
- The level of control we have over our body and our mind
Final notes
A few conclusive thoughts:
- The primary objective of those who approach Qi-related concepts is to become conscious that the more we train in recognizing its spontaneous manifestations, the more we can get closer to its voluntary active use
- In most cases, all do is “just” to replicate / alter / optimize natural processes (altering aspects such as intensity, direction, duration, frequency, etc.)
- In our explanations (especially those for beginners or intermediate-level practitioners) we will rarely directly refer to Qi but let’s not forget that its management is always implicitly included; only at an advanced / expert level we will deepen the most complex details
- Last but not least, the acceptance of this part of our teachings is not mandatory, even if this means losing an important part of our method, it can be effectively followed even without changing our beliefs in relation to Qi
- …
In the next article of this series, we will see how to collect useful and replicable traces of Qi in our daily lives.
In-depth video courses
- Soft Qi Gong for wellness – How to improve wellness and health through Qi Gong
- Meditation: how to start – A guided path toward meditation’s benefits
- Basic 6 Dragons Kung Fu Exercises – Practical exercises to build real martial skills
In-depth articles
- 6 Dragons Kung Fu: what does it teach? – An overview of the 6 Dragons Kung Fu’s teachings
- Correct breathing – At the base of Qi management
Reply in the comments and share your experience:
- Can you feel your Qi?
Author: Master Kongling
Founder of 6 Dragons Kung Fu.How to master 6 Dragons Kung Fu?
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July 1, 2020 @ 1:19 am
I share your point of view
July 4, 2020 @ 11:35 am
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