6 Dragons Kung Fu: the difference with other martial arts
What distinguishes 6 Dragons Kung Fu
The classical martial arts schools’ teaching method and its limits
Let’s imagine a total beginner, most martial arts schools (modern or traditional they are, read also The disadvantages of “traditional” Kung Fu) tend to immediately force him / her to a preconfigured type of:
- Techniques
- Training exercises
- Tactical purposes
- …
Note – This article has been asked by one of our Core Course practitioners on Patreon (see how to attend our home study classes here Learn Kung Fu online: a beginner-to-expert course).
Substantially, we could say that the idea is to make the beginner “copy” a set of rules right from the start and apparently, there is nothing strange in doing this… until we do not start to figure out that:
- All people are different, what is perfect for someone, can be disastrous for another (no one can make a butterfly fight like a bear or vice versa)
- Even if we would be all equal, it does not exist a perfect martial art and repeating the errors of the past, without having at least a base to evaluate them, does not bring anywhere
- If we all study the same thing, in the exact same way (read Learn Kung Fu online: why it is better and when), we risk reaching a result that will never let us emerge (until we casually have a natural talent compatible with the knowledge assimilated, read also Natural talent and martial arts)
- …
This type of approach can give not few problems for a student:
- If he / she does not have any kind of previous preparation, how can he / she evaluate the goodness of the teaching (even only in relation to himself / herself)?
- How can he / she absorb effective mechanics if he hasn’t developed a basic experience and understanding of what could work and what not (read also The right way to develop muscle memory)?
- How can he / she have even a remote possibility to prevail against someone that has the same martial preparation but is physically superior?
- …
The 6 Dragons Kung Fu solution
To overcome the limits of the old methods, our approach does exactly the opposite:
- In the first phase of learning, instead of immediately imposing a precise teaching we allow the practitioners to express themselves
- While the students explore instinctively with our fundamental technical practices (read Measure ourselves with errors) ), the instructors limit themselves to correct only the worst errors (read
- When the practitioners start to have a minimal experience (of themselves and of the basic combat dynamics), we gradually give them access to more and more complex techniques (only when the body and the mind are truly ready to perform and understand)
After years and years of tests:
- We have understood that the best martial skills cannot born from the mnemonical passive impositions (when all the notions have been absorbed is too late to radically change or adapt them to ourselves read also How to tell if a martial art is good)
- We have designed 6 Dragons Kung Fu to arise from a free expression of each single human being, to then exalt / guide it with the help of a wide technical baggage (read 6 Dragons Kung Fu: what does it teach?)
The reasons behind 6 Dragons Kung Fu
These are the true reasons why we created our system:
- To offer each practitioner an active path (similar to the one of the founder of a martial art)
- To give the possibility to our students to overcome the infinite passive repetition of the past errors
A note by Master Kongling – We firmly believe that: first, every living being is both similar and different from each other, second, each martial art that is (strictly or not) based on the imposition will never be 100% adaptable to anyone.
With these premises, our style allows each of us to start to address our (precious) personal luggage:
- Mistakes (eg. keeping a bad guard stance, read also How to rapidly learn Kung Fu: guard stance)
- Preconceived notions and prejudices (eg. “I cannot do that”)
- Personal experiences / traumas (eg. have been beaten in the past)
- Psychophysical characteristics (eg. having crooked legs)
- Habits and attitudes (eg. being not so flexible, read also Conditioning check for flexibility)
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The goals of a 6 Dragons Kung Fu practitioner
The general goals and how to reach them
Our goal is to gradually transform (through discipline, concentration and preparation):
- Our limits into strengths
- Our strengths into excellence
The base of the method is simple:
- First, we give a few basic references (for safety, stability, etc., read How to train without risks [MINI-GUIDE])
- Then we start with free practical and functional training
- Under the guidance of an instructor we make errors, we experiment and at the same time we improve ourselves
- Learning from our practical mistakes, we allow us to condition our bodies and our minds (at al level that cannot be imposed)
- We will be the ones to self-correct the thousands of micro errors that we will realize we are committing (the instructor will limit himself / herself to highlighting only what we are not yet able to see)
- Done this, with a basic but solid experience, we start to study in detail the technical part
A note by Master Kongling – It is important to stress that, this way: the technique is at our service and not vice versa. We do no more want to create low-quality automation who waits for precise stimuli to which give mnemonic answers; this would bring us back (in case of a technical tie) to the mere physical confrontation where wins who is more powerful. It doesn’t have to be the prowess to make the ultimate difference (or at least not only) but rather our general personal approach to combat.
The specific goals
The novelty that we try to bring forward is that we aim to create independent minds that potentially can adapt to any context.
What we want is that our body and our mind become used:
- To recognize and deal with our strengths and weaknesses
- To achieve concrete objectives by identifying personal paths
- To exploit every element available in a combat scenario in a natural way (limbs, objects, etc.)
- To instinctively manage every kind proper or improper weapon (even if only at a basic level, read also Improper weapons in a real situation)
- To consider (in the present moment) what we can do and what not (as in training as during a fight)
- To recognize and control the basic mechanics of our mind
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In-depth video courses
- Basic 6 Dragons Kung Fu Exercises – The right functional exercises to develop real martial skills
- Advanced speed and reflexes training – How to build one of the most effective capabilities in combat
- Muscle chain for martial arts: how to – How to connect the power of all the body elements into one
- Worst combat errors to avoid – What are the most crucial mistakes and how to correct them
In-depth articles
- From white belt to black belt: your path – The complete path to master 6 Dragons Kung Fu
- How to use martial arts in a real fight – The terrible difference between theory and practice
Reply in the comments and share your experience:
- Have you ever tried a 6 Dragons Kung Fu exsercise?
Author: Master Kongling
Founder of 6 Dragons Kung Fu.How to master 6 Dragons Kung Fu?
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- Daily training exercises?
- Synthetic theory and concepts?
- A step by step path from white to black belt?
- A path (clear, consequential and gradual) designed to build real martial skills?
- A direct contact with Master Kongling?
Go to our Patreon page and choose a training plan: starting from the Practitioner level, you will gain access to all this and much more.
Inside each Premium Lesson, you will receive the same teaching (practices, tips, concepts, small secrets and corrections) reserved to the live students of Master Kongling.
Important - Once a certain number of registrations are reached, no other participants can be accepted. For more information write to: [email protected].
February 18, 2019 @ 9:23 am
I love 6 Dragons
February 18, 2019 @ 9:28 am
February 22, 2019 @ 3:00 am
Greetings! I am very interested in your program. I am a practisioner of Kenpo and have been interested in Kung Fu for as long as I can remenber. Please tell me how to get started! I am not sure of the pound/dollar exchange rate, but it sounds very reasonable! Look forward to starting!
February 22, 2019 @ 10:56 am
Nice to meet you Tony, the first thing is to fill this form:
September 10, 2021 @ 4:54 pm
hey I am 25 years old, I want to learn and train kung fu I have been wanting to do it for my entire life
September 10, 2021 @ 8:09 pm
Ok, good! Start by filling this small interview:
April 20, 2024 @ 5:07 pm
Thanks for existing! This is the only martial art that I can truly practice daily! 🙂
April 24, 2024 @ 9:52 pm