The 6DKF’s diagram about the use of violence
Let’s start from the definition of violence in 6 Dragons Kung Fu: a detrimental action (physical or psychological) practiced by someone against someone who is not consenting or that it is not able to express, in full possession of his faculties, a valid consent.
Note – This article has been asked by one of our Core Course practitioners on Patreon (see how to attend our home study classes here Learn Kung Fu online: a beginner-to-expert course).
In our concept of life is not violence:
- The martial training
- The sparring
- The sportive confrontation
- The civil confrontation between martial artists (in mutual respect of life)
Even in a situation of real danger, resort to violence is always a defeat (a yield of our intelligence), even when it is necessary, even when it is proportionate to an aggression. In 6DKF we will see gradually as well as fighting techniques, even persuasion techniques, pacification techniques and above all prevention.
Answering to an aggression with another aggression is not only ignoble but exposes us to a myriad of risks. In this regard, we have prepared a diagram explaining the whole way of thinking in face of a danger of a 6DKF practitioner.
There are a myriad of pitfalls (for us, for our opponents and for people close to us) who hide behind a clash in a real context:
- Our opponents might be more prepared, more armed, more determined than us
- We may not be at 100% of our ability, we may make unforeseeable mistakes
- It starts from the legal issues, through the permanent damage until you get to death
Violence is the last option, even in the face of an aggression; in the diagram that we have prepared we will see how important it is:
- Try first all the options which exclude violence
- Understand that fight can lead to terrible outcomes and should be done only in extreme cases
- To distinguish with clarity who and what is really at risk (life, money, etc.)
- Eliminate the pride and /or the desire to fight in view of a less harmful possible solution
- Even after starting to fight, try to return to peaceful negotiation
- Limit damages (for us and for others) always choosing the lesser evil
- Train our martial skills to prevail without need to use too much violence (even at the cost of suffering more than what we give to our opponents)
A good practitioner isn’t great when demonstrates pride or power but when he controls them towards a positive goal.
Here is the link to the PDF file (it is rather complex and therefore should not be taken as a “practical guide” but it should be analyzed as if it were a “train of thought”):
In-depth video courses
- Self-Defense: not violent Self-Preservation – How to solve a potentially dangerous situation without recurring to violence
- Self-Defense basics: how to – A video course about how to face self-defense contexts at 360° (tactical preparation and combat preparation)
In-depth articles
- How to avoid contacts that lead to ground fighting – How to reduce the risk to be forced to fight on the ground
- Dodges, balance, spatial intelligence and attack: one exercise – A multifunctional practice useful to grow our static balance
Reply in the comments and share your experience:
- What is the difference between static and dynamic balance?
Author: Master Kongling
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February 25, 2019 @ 12:46 am
A way of sacrifice
March 5, 2019 @ 12:01 pm
Yes, each sacrifice is a gift that can make us stronger
June 7, 2023 @ 5:05 am
This is very wise
June 13, 2023 @ 7:35 pm
Thanks for your consideration.