Kung Fu: what to learn before Chin Na
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Master Kongling All, 6DKF techniques, Fighting strategy, Premium contents, Training Chin Na, joint lock, Shaolin, Tai Chi 0
To view this content, you must be a member of 6 Dragons Kung Fu from WHITE to BLACK BELT Course’s Patreon at $1 or more Unlock with PatreonAlready a qualifying Patreon member? Refresh to access this content.
Master Kongling All, Free guides Chin Na, joint lock, Shaolin 9
The basic Chin Na (Qinna) mini-guide Chin Na are combat techniques that can be applied at various levels of intensity, from safely controlling an opponent to making it impossible for him / her to continue to fight (causing various levels of damage): Note – This article has been asked by one of our Core Course […]
Master Kongling All, 6DKF techniques basic techniques, Chin Na, core concepts and principles, joint lock 1
Chin Na: finger grabbing This finger-grabbing is a very simple / effective technique and even if it cannot be applied by beginners in dynamic contexts: it may be a winning choice in all the static ones. From an educational point of view, it is instead an excellent starting point to understand the basic concepts of […]
Master Kongling All, Training sessions Chin Na, Shaolin 5
A 1-hour session (middle intensity) An example of a daily individual session of 6 Dragons Kung Fu’s training (1 hour, with a partner but without special / specific tools): 5 minutes of running on the hands (the partner holds our legs raised) 5 minutes of abdominal pressure with the fingers (one on each other, controlled […]
Master Kongling All, News Chin Na, Shaolin 0
For the people who want some more in-depth visual explanations, we are thinking about the realization of some video courses but first, we need your opinion. Choose the ones you like: 6DKF’s fundamental training (fabric cloth, poles, etc.) 6DKF’s Dragon Motion training (exercises, examples, applications, etc.) 6DKF’s Contacts with the opponents (solid, liquid, elastic, etc.) […]
Master Kongling All, 6DKF techniques, Conditioning, Exercises, Training Chin Na, Shaolin 0
How to execute the Chin Na techniques The learning path A complete study of Chin Na (read A free home study Chin Na course for beginners) includes: The learning of the theory behind the techniques The practical application in gradually less cooperative contexts The study of the methods to resist / counterattack Note – This […]
Master Kongling All, 6DKF techniques Chin Na, core concepts and principles, joint lock, Shaolin 2
The fundamental aspects to understand Chin Na’s effectiveness After understanding what Chin Na techniques are (read Chin Na), let’s see their basic learning requirements. Note – This article has been asked by one of our Core Course practitioners on Patreon (see how to attend our home study classes here Learn Kung Fu online: a beginner-to-expert course). […]
Master Kongling All, Conditioning breathing, Chin Na, conditioning, flexibility, Qi Gong, Shaolin, stretching, tendons transformation, Yoga 9
The advantages of good flexibility in martial arts Good conditioning for flexibility requires long times, constancy, commitment and remarkable patience: it is for this reason that many aspiring practitioners tend to underestimate (if not even completely avoid) these kinds of activity. The fact is that a flexible body offers crucial advantages in terms of combat […]
Master Kongling All, 6DKF techniques Chin Na, Shaolin 2
What is Chin Na? In many Kung Fu styles (but not only), there are particular types of advanced interactions with the body of the adversary named “Chin Na”. These fighting techniques (with significant differences between schools / styles / masters) aim at: Control / immobilize / force the opponent to surrender Paralyze / hurt / […]
Master Kongling All, Conditioning, Exercises Chin Na 0
In 6 Dragons Kung Fu’s trapping method (read Trapping [MINI-GUIDE]), we generally try to avoid as much as possible to grab the opponent with our fingers but when we have to (or when we have a good opportunity): we want to be sure that our grip is not only solid but also able to directly […]
Master Kongling All, Conditioning, Exercises Chin Na 0
We said that the fingers have to be trained for resistance, flexibility, agility and power, here are some exercises (one for each of these skills): Resistance, take a bag of rice (0.5-1kg), let’s close it well and while we grab (with great force) with one hand, with the other we have to hit it with […]