Learn martial arts: combat adaptability samples
Combat and Persistent Movements: examples and learning
What do the Persistent Movements consist of in 6 Dragons Kung Fu? They are a sort of “unstoppable” and “rational” force based on dynamic adaptation.
Note – This article has been asked by one of our Core Course practitioners on Patreon (see how to attend our home study classes here Learn Kung Fu online: a beginner-to-expert course).
Let’s start with a few examples
Having defined, in general terms, what Persistent Movements are (read Advanced concepts: the Persistent Movements), it is now time to analyze some practical examples:
- A kick (read How to kick (simple explanation)) that, against an opponent’s parry, continues its unstoppable motion up to unbalance or hit its intended target
- A punch (read How to punch (simple explanation)) apparently rigidly but that, if grasped by the opponent’s hand, can surprise him softly returning back on itself (read 6DKF’s interactions: from the strong blow to the light touch)
- A shoulder that, turning, deviates or accompanies an attack and throws the opponent to the ground
- An encounter kick that would have (for us) a bad outcome (eg. a break) that softens instantaneously to avoid damage (read Liquid, Fluid and Solid: an exchange sample)
- A foot resting on an unstable / mobile structure that adapts to the dynamics of the terrain without suffering damage (sprains injuries, etc.) or loss of balance (read The concept of Dynamic Equilibrium)
- A kick that borns from a fall to the ground with elasticity and hit with a final tightening
- A blow with the fingers that maintains rigidity when affects delicate parts and instead softens if it faces a resistance that could hurt us (read Diamond Finger conditioning)
- A blow that starts in a certain way, in a certain direction and that, instead, changes at the last second its path, speed and impact incidence (read Introduction to the idea of Precision Control)
- A grip that modulates its intensity and direction of force at the variation of the opponent’s resistance so as to maintain the most favorable trajectory (read Hand grip strength conditioning)
- The release on the ground or against the opponent of the force of his own attack (as it happens in Tai Chi, read The 10 principles of Tai Chi)
- At a high level, it can (be for instance) an elbow attack that after an instinctive evaluation does not stop, even finding unwanted obstacles in its path (read Conditioning check for the impact)
- …
The ones we have seen are only a few examples but the key goals behind this adaptation skill are:
- First to preserve our integrity
- Second to reach our targets
A note by Master Kongling – Like many other Kung Fu concepts, it is not easy to describe the Persistent Movements; they partially exist even in other martial arts but until a practitioner does not start to feel them, it is very hard to understand what we are talking about.
How to acquire the Persistent Movements skill
The best way to acquire this skill is to:
- Work on our fundamental technical exercise – Practice the core training of 6 Dragons Kung Fu (read
Work on conditioning – Balance, speed, power, instinct and impact resistance conditioning are the most important prerequisites (read Physical conditioning: how it works)
Allow the errors to come – Forge it on years and years of “creative experience” (reasoned and above all practical, read Measure ourselves with errors)
Work actively on ourselves – We have to evolve with personal / spontaneous experimentation (basing our martial growth only on passive study is a very bad attitude and slower the development of this skill, read Kung Fu training for beginners’ fast improvement)
… )
Final notes
A few conclusive thoughts:
- Persistent Movements should be imagined as the connection point between reflexes, balance, instinct, tactile sensitivity, experience, conditioning, power, trajectory study and the ability to change our body state (solid, liquid, etc.)
- Any skill of 6 Dragons Kung Fu is not infallible alone, like any other possible tactic / technique / strategy / method, is prone to errors and has “shaded areas”; it is up to the practitioner to increase their effectiveness by learning the right contexts of application and finding personal solutions to their gaps
- …
In the next article of this series, we will deepen the topic.
In-depth video courses
- Structures for combat: liquid, solid, fluid – A detailed explanation of the body states for combat
- Basic 6 Dragons Kung Fu exercises – The core exercises to build the necessary skill base
- Advanced speed and reflexes training – The path toward real combat speed development
- Static and dynamic balance: how to – The capability that makes the difference between amateur and expert fighters
- How to develop a good timing – Condition the body to react in the right way at the right moment
- Advanced combat tactics – The most effective fighting strategist of our school (to face higher level opponents)
In-depth articles
- Introduction to the idea of Precision Control – The skill that connects all the other skills
- Find the maximum speed that we can express – How to reach the highest speed of movement of our body
Reply in the comments and share your experience:
- Have you ever felt a Persistent Movement’s similar sensation?
Author: Master Kongling
Founder of 6 Dragons Kung Fu.How to master 6 Dragons Kung Fu?
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January 7, 2019 @ 8:02 pm
Something like moving water? Yes in Taiji!
January 11, 2019 @ 2:41 pm
Yes, it is something similar.