Motivate ourselves

It’s not the years, belts, titles or certifications to make a warrior but the actual hours of true intense dedication.

In 6DKF, hours of practice can be counted on workout clothes.

Clothes crumpled, faded, ripped, patched and stained indelibly, this is a tangible sign to recognize the true practitioner, the one that has never given up, that never threw in the towel:

  • Besides the enthusiasm
  • Besides the passion
  • Apart from the errors
  • Besides the fatigue
  • Besides the frustration
  • Beyond the pain
  • Beyond the limits imposed by the others
  • Beyond the limits imposed by the environment
  • Beyond the limits imposed by the mind
  • Beyond the limits imposed by the body
  • Beyond…

It’s in this space “beyond” where the true practitioner of 6 Dragons Kung Fu finds his inspiration, his motivation, it is the place where born:

  • Preparation
  • Discipline
  • Concentration

Our minds should not be projected on a goal or a destination, but on a direction, a way. Our path is illuminated by reason, altered by experiences, reworked by creativity.

Errors may appear as useless rough stone but with hard work we can turn each of them into a work of art, in a further step in our martial growth.

Good practice.

Author: Master Kongling

Founder of 6 Dragons Kung Fu.

How to master 6 Dragons Kung Fu?

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  • Daily training exercises?
  • Synthetic theory and concepts?
  • A step by step path from white to black belt?
  • A path (clear, consequential and gradual) designed to build real martial skills?
  • A direct contact with Master Kongling?

Go to our Patreon page and choose a training plan: starting from the Practitioner level, you will gain access to all this and much more.

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