In a nutshell: what is this video course about?
Mind self-control hacks course includes – A guided path to create the premises to reach our martial and life goals, a selection of effective passive and active methods to gain a higher level of control over your mind, simple explanations about how to optimize the brain functionality, the solutions to the most common difficulties. Putting together this collection of “smart tools” we have noticed that they not only work if applied to martial training and combat but also to achieve our goals in daily life.
Who follows these explanations with the right attention to the details, dedication and patience, gains the necessary knowledge to exploit the mind’s power and concentrate its capabilities like a laser.
A note by Master Kongling – Success, in any field, is not a gift from heaven but the result of a strenuous determination: all the rest is secondary but if you are supported by the right methodologies you can speed up the achievement of your goal.
The goal: who is this course for?
This course is for practitioners and not practitioners – The proposed path is indicated to reach peak mental performances as in the live moment of complex contexts (from a self-defense scenario to study without distractions) as in long-term planning (eg. to reach a specific goal). These teachings are as for martial arts practitioners as for all those non-practitioners who want to achieve self-control and concrete results in their lives. The explanations are not complex and immediately applicable but the indications must be followed meticulously.
What we explain in this course is divided into consecutive levels:
- Learn the fundamentals of any kind of goal achievement
- How to reach peak performances in long-term tasks
- How to improve the performance in the instant tasks
- How to train and optimize the whole to become every day more proficient
How to get the best results with this course
The practices provided must be:
- Understood (the theory is “relatively” simple but you need a clear understanding of it)
- Experimented (you have to implement the theory gradually, being sure each time to do not lose anything from the past steps)
- Executed periodically (if you really want to reach your maximum performances, at least every 3-4 days)
Everything is explained in detail inside the course.
What are the contents of this video course?
In this guide to mental self-improvement, you can rapidly:
- Learn what are the key factors to improve the functionality of your mind
- Learn how and from where to start to prepare your mind to reach high-level results
- Learn how to build your long-term concentration
- Learn how to improve your instant focus
- Learn how to “hack” your mind and exploit its functionalities at a higher level
- Learn how to improve the control over your perception
- Learn what works, what apparently works, what does not and why
In this course you will not find:
- Specific meditation methods (see Meditation: how to start)
- Specific self-discipline building methods (see How to build strong self-discipline)
How is the course structured?
Course structure:
- The course consists of various lessons
- The course starts within 48 working hours of confirmation of receipt of payment
- The course’s lessons are generally published every 3 working days
- You can access the next lesson only after having seen the previous one
- Do a check-up, do not buy this course and do not start the exercises without having obtained a positive opinion from your doctor
- If you have questions about this course write at [email protected]
The benefits: what are you waiting for?
Start your learning path now:
- At the end of the course, you will receive an official participation certificate (in printable PDF format), signed directly by Master Kongling
- You will be able to ask our instructors for explanations related to the topics of each lesson of the course
- Until this website (and your account) is active, you will have access to the course you have purchased
- You will be able to access all the updates that will (possibly) be made to this course for free
Author: Master Kongling
Founder of 6 Dragons Kung Fu.
johnwalker (verified owner) –
Best course, best value, everything that is said works first of all in life and then also in martial arts. Fantastic. Unique. These methods should be taught at school! The techniques and the relative exercises to improve the effectiveness of mind management are incredible. Now I work faster, better and I am able to do much more with much more energy and focus. Initially, I was thinking that the course was not what I was searching for but lesson after lesson the materials gave me more and more tools to get full control over my mental performance. Top!
Boyka (verified owner) –
I would describe this course as an inspiring and practical path to unlock the full potential of the mind, applicable to all areas of life. It enhances martial arts training, it improves brain functionality, and especially it teaches how to achieve personal goals; this course helped me a lot.