Meditation method 4
How to recover Qi
The fourth type of meditation we study (partially from Qi Gong) is much more advanced than the previous one (read Meditation method 3) and it has been specifically created to regain / regenerate our Qi (read The use of Qi in the 6DKF’s meaning).
Note – This article has been asked by one of our Core Course practitioners on Patreon (see how to attend our home study classes here Learn Kung Fu online: a beginner-to-expert course).
The forth meditation method
- Important, we will not repeat the details outlined in other types of meditation (start reading from Meditation method 1)
- Let’s free our mind from every distraction (let’s find an open / aerated space, also with other people if possible)
- Let’s sit on a chair, or better, on the ground with the legs gathered (there are several methods, let’s choose the most comfortable in relation to our flexibility)
- Let’s keep our back erect and let’s open the shoulders (if we are not trained to hold the position we must put a cushion behind our back)
- The neck should move vertically away from the shoulders and the head should be as hanging on a thread (in its upper center)
- Our arms touch our hips and the hands should gently lean on the ground (or on the chair)
- A proper posture is fundamental to reach most of our lungs’ capacity but the entire body needs to be in a comfortable disposition
- In any case, let us keep the meditation position free of pain and distraction (otherwise the practice would be completely useless)
- Let’s close our eyes gently, relaxing one by one every muscle of our body
A note by Master Kongling – If our back causes us discomfort, we will focus all of our attention there: in other words, we will not be able to meditate. Let’s take the cushion.
The method:
- By inhaling, we lift our arms up to the top of our head
- We breathe slowly and in a noisy way (this is “the warrior’s breath” from Yoga, read Breathe Yoga: the warrior’s breathing)
- We must imagine “absorbing” all that is positive in the environment around us
- We swell the chest with the air, we absorb it and bring it as high as possible (mentally to the sky, physically to the upper part of the lungs)
- While we inhale the abdomen slowly narrows
- The amount of inhalation must be medium-high but we do not have to force our lung capacity (it is better to start with a low intensity)
- The arms during the movement are extended and open like wings (we start with palm down and then, gradually, palm facing inwards)
- Upon reaching the top, the hands join together as in a “prayer” position (in this phase our arms should be well stretched)
- We remain in position in apnea for a medium-low time, suitable for our breathing capacity (let’s avoid excessive efforts, a few seconds are enough to start)
- After the apnea let’s exhale, we have to slowly deflate the chest and gradually extend the abdomen (without actively pushing the belly out)
- It is very important to stress that the exhalation, to regenerate Qi, must be shorter than the inhalation (at least 3/4)
- While we exhale, let’s sync the breath with the movement of the hands (always clenched); they start stretched over our head to vertically go down to the abdomen
- As the hands go down we start repeating (in a loop without interruptions) the “m” mantra (so we can hear the sound’s vibrations inside our head)
- When the height ranges from nose to chin, the mantra “m” becomes “om” and the vocal vibration has to intensify
- In the last part of the path, the mantra returns to be “m” (let’s try to keep the sound constant and not to tremble in the voice)
Final notes
A few but crucial details about the practice:
- The mantra serves to indicate through the vibration the exact location of our Qi storage (Dan Tian)
- Initially, pronouncing the mantra we could end the breathing before arriving at the height of our abdomen, it is not a big problem, with the time and the practice we will be able to maintain always the same intensity (this is not a race)
- Once the focal points of our body have been precisely identified, it is necessary to connect them through the Qi channels in a conscious way (but this is a much more complex topic that we refer to a future specific discussion)
- We have to repeat the cycle in groups of 6 for the time we have decided to spend (from 10 minutes to 6-12 hours, there are no limits)
- Let’s do not expect immediate results, the development of this method is as long as our entire life; a day will come when we will understand the profound meaning of this practice
- In 6 Dragons Kung Fu, pure meditation has nothing to do with expanding our breathing capacity (apnea, lung capacity, etc.), for that, we have specific exercises; in this case, mixing things means invalidating their effectiveness
- The practice is positive if at the end we feel reinvigorated and never exhausted, breathless, aching or head-turning (in this case, let’s go back to the previous meditation methods)
- Each method does not exclude the others; let’s be gradual, meditation is a matter of patience
- …
In the next article of this series, we will see the 5th 6 Dragons Kung Fu’s meditation method (read Meditation method 5).
In-depth articles
- Breathing for immediate relaxation – How to reach an ability level enough high to obtain immediate relaxation in any situation
- Concentration and abstraction in combat – What is the relation between fighting and meditation?
Reply in the comments and share your experience:
- Can you keep the mantra and breathing all the way?
Author: Master Kongling
Founder of 6 Dragons Kung Fu.How to master 6 Dragons Kung Fu?
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February 15, 2020 @ 9:22 pm
Is this the most important?
February 17, 2020 @ 5:04 pm
No, all the methods are important for their specific application 😉
May 28, 2023 @ 2:11 pm
What is Qi?
June 9, 2023 @ 6:28 am
Read here: