Lesson 7 – Training safety: face the danger
Everything starts with the respect
A complete view of Self-defense (in its broadest sense of personal security) cannot ignore the training part: it is for this reason that, in this lesson, we want to list some of the principles that can guarantee the most effective and safe daily 6 Dragons Kung Fu workout (read How to start practicing 6DKF).
Note – This article has been asked by one of our Core Course practitioners on Patreon (see how to attend our home study classes here Learn Kung Fu online: a beginner-to-expert course).
The first thing to know is that 50% of injuries and damages are caused by a lack of respect.
One of the most important teachings that Kung Fu can give you is the one related to respect:
- In relation to you – Your body, your mind, your training equipment, etc. (read The basic equipment for training in 6DKF)
- In relation to your training partners – Other practitioners, instructors, etc. (read 5 effective ways to find a training partner)
- In relation to the guan – The area where you train, wherever it is and whatever it contains (read The most suitable places to train)
How to drastically decrease the risks
The risks drastically decrease when you are aware that:
- It is foolish to give-up to bad mental attitudes – During training, things like anger, pride, falsehood, laziness, superficiality and prejudices must not exist (martial training must take place in a context of friendship, mutual help and sharing)
- It is petty to abuse other persons’ disponibility – The instructor and the companions are in the guan for a specific reason and this does not include being victims of jokes, waste of time, hazing (etc.)
- It is silly to violate the rules of behavior – They must be strictly followed to guarantee a safe, positive and effective learning (read Dojo (guan): rules, respect and etiquette)
- It is extremely dangerous to refuse graduality and patience – You have to focus on the path and not on the results; to anticipate or to force the times (because you feel fit or bored) it is always a bad idea; there are moments to insist and other to give-up (read for example Safe training: the 3 errors rule), in both cases it must be a logical choice and never a simple desire
- It is an error to introduce what belongs to everyday life within the sacredness of the guan – Whether it be objects (ornaments, necklaces, etc.), or mental attitudes (frustration, vanity, etc.), they must remain outside
- It is wrong to underestimate the practice – In Kung Fu, every exercise, even the most common, (apparently) simple and / or (apparently) repetitive must be performed with the maximum concentration and with the idea of improving each time; this could mean to do not progress at all or progress extremely fast (it is up to you)
- It is counterproductive to do not face any risk – Errors, faults and difficulties are at the base of our training and learning method, if you avoid them you will rapidly block your martial growth (read Measure ourselves with errors)
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A note by Master Kongling – Probably I could appear strict in this lesson but safety absolutely comes before everything. To review our concepts related to training safety you can read again Lesson 3.1, the article How to train safely and follow our free video course: How to start training [ Free video course ].
Learn to face the danger instead of refusing it
As we said, if 50% of risks are our responsibility, the remaining 50% are simply natural (outside human control) and must be accepted (read Acceptance and prevention of pain).
Until you will not accept that you cannot control what happens outside your mind (read also Fighting and mind control: the anchors), you will live in a fake world, full of delusions.
To do not accept any risk could mean (even after 30 years of practice):
- No real training – Conditioning means teaching our body to address its limits (read Physical conditioning: how it works)
- No real knowledge – You do not truly master what you study
- No real skills acquisition – In a real self-defense situation you will fail
- No mental growth – You do not learn anything about yourself and your limits
- Bigger risks – A workout inside a “crystal ball” weakens you instead of strengthening
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A note by Master Kongling – Each enemy, each problem, each limit remains inviolable if we never try to learn how to manage them. 6 Dragons Kung Fu teaches to face the unknown with preparation, discipline and concentration, nothing more nothing less (the rest is only a consequence and has no importance).
What are the benefits of train correctly?
A few examples:
- If a person loses balance and falls risks to badly hurt his body, if a 6 Dragons Kung Fu’s practitioner falls, he instinctively knows how to distribute his limbs to limit as much as possible the damage (and in most cases to reduce it to zero, read Lesson 7.5)
- If a young 6 Dragons Kung Fu’s practitioner fears the darkness, his instructor (read How to become a 6 Dragons Kung Fu instructor) explains to him the phenomenon, the logical path, how to deal with it, how to transform it into a normal thing; the result is that the student will become (gradually) able to move in low light conditions as in the sunlight (read also Advanced training: gradually learn to fight in the dark and Night vision)
- If a 20 years boy is attacked by a stranger, he reacts randomly, as his instinct tells him (panic, extreme violence, etc.); a 6 Dragons Kung Fu’s practitioner (being prepared to manage the mental stress), has the possibility to react more tactically, evaluating the situation, trying to block the tension escalation and eventually, fighting with all the resources at his disposal (read all the lessons of this chapter)
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A note by Master Kongling – Our students are not superhumans. This is nothing incredible, with all of the limits that our method could have, they simply choose a rational way to face martial challenges and life problems (read How to solve any kind of life problem). The danger must not be avoided, it must be faced but with intelligence.
In-depth articles
- A relentless pursuit – Learn to find an objective and reach it
- Body and mental perception – How to cross the data to limit errors
<< Lesson 7.6 – Index – Lesson 8.1 >>
Author: Master Kongling
Founder of 6 Dragons Kung Fu.How to master 6 Dragons Kung Fu?
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November 27, 2018 @ 11:35 am
What are the risks to avoid?
November 29, 2018 @ 1:48 pm
The ones that force you to too dangerous ends. It’s for this reason that we all need an experienced reference to grow correctly (an instructor, a master, etc.). It’s a good thing to experiment by yourself but only in proportion to our level of preparation:
January 21, 2020 @ 3:23 pm
Better to face the danger!
October 16, 2020 @ 9:12 am
This is the right approach.
October 22, 2020 @ 3:02 pm