KUNG FU Home Study VIDEO COURSES’ Structure
6 Dragons Kung Fu video courses’ goal
After a long and careful reflection, we decided to publish Premium Home Study Video Courses about 6 Dragons Kung Fu.
Note – This article has been asked by one of our Core Course practitioners on Patreon (see how to attend our home study classes hereĀ Learn Kung Fu online: a beginner-to-expert course).
Your doubts, our doubts
We all know what are the limits of the classic prepackaged courses (like the old VHS, DVD, Blu-ray, etc. but also of the more recent ones that we can find on the internet):
- No replies to the doubts and questions
- No control over the quality of execution (corrections, adaptations, etc.)
- Risk of fragmented study (eg. one lesson yes, three no, one yes, etc.)
- No possibility (for us) to update / extend the contents
The solutions
All the years of study and teaching have taught us that martial arts are something Live that cannot be “passed” without a connection between the instructor and the student.
It is for this reason that we have designed each of our video courses to be:
- Interactive – You ask we answer
- Bidirectional – You film we correct
- Staggered – One lesson at a time
- Online – To be ready to update / extend the contents
It is for this reason that…
It is for this reason that we can give you a certificate of participation at the end.
With these premises (and strictly following the instructions you will receive), you can achieve an even better result than the one you could get from a normal live lesson:
- Because you will be the one to choose your workloads and times
- Because each time you will have to actively think about how to do what is described to you (and not only passively repeat)
- Because you will be far from the rotten, exhibitionistic and / or superficial aspects that in most cases you find in the gym
- Because it will not be discipline but self-discipline (it will be you against you)
- …
To deepen this topic read also Online learning and martial arts: is it possible?.
How the 6 Dragons Kung Fu’s video courses are made
The goals we set ourselves are to offer:
- A linear, straight line of learning – Each argument is addressed from a specific starting point and an end one
- Visual explanations – If you want to learn deeply, the best method is and will always be the visual one (it is for this reason that we have invested in good quality video equipment)
- Adaptable and updatable contents – Each lesson / course is not static, they are easy to eventually integrate or expose better (and each update will be free for the ones who bought the course in the past)
- Explanations as much as possible schematic but practical – To be in conditions to extrapolate the theory from the practice and acquire real capabilities
- Interactive – After each lesson, you can ask questions and / or send a short video to receive suggestions
All the home study video courses are made to be as much as possible:
- Modular and gradual – All the courses start from a specific level of knowledge (beginner, intermediate, etc.) and evolve without leaving anything implied
- Connected to the martial practice – We want to share notions that are practical, useful and focused on specific goals
- Adherent to the needs of the practitioner – In years and years of live lessons, we have learned all the most common difficulties, errors, aspirations (etc.) and we address them one by one
What is the common structure of the video courses
We have:
- An introduction – A brief explanation about what you need to follow the course and its evolution
- Various video lessons – Exhaustive but brief videos boxed in a specific didactic plan
- Practical explanations – Causes, effects and reasons why a given task (a technique, an exercise, etc.) should be done or not in the described way
- Visual examples – Execution methods, examples of application, particular cases, common errors, etc.
The most common questions
Why isn’t the course a single long video?
As we said, the time for the classical passive 1-hour Kung Fu courses on VHS, DVD, Blu-ray (etc.) is over. We have decided to structure our courses as single staggered videos because, this way:
- The practitioner can better absorb the content of each lesson week per week (instead of looking at everything at once with the inevitable decline in concentration and loss of interest)
- Since the course is structured in several lessons, it is possible for the instructors to replace and / or add parts that can be improved or better explored / explained (even in relation to the student’s interaction)
- The practitioner has the necessary time to put gradually into practice what he / she has learned from each lesson (without skipping any step)
- We can verify that, to all intents and purposes, those who receive the coveted participation certificate have really taken part in each lesson
Why video courses are the best way to learn our Kung Fu?
The reasons are simple:
- If you like our free content you will surely like the Premium ones because they are deeper, faster, visual and straight-lined
- You can see as many times you want each lesson (anywhere and anytime), gaining the possibility to catch even the smallest detail
- Again, with a long dojo / guan training experience at our shoulders, we know all the errors that the practitioners (they are always the same) and we describe how to avoid / correct them
- The courses are not static, they are interactive, we know that each practitioner has specific needs, so you can ask for more explanations and we can reply to you with direct responses and / or (in the case of general interest) directly with specific videos
- …
What is the best way to follow 6 Dragons Kung Fu’s video courses?
These are only indications but, to have the most complete and effective experience, the righteous practitioner should:
- Don’t skip any part (especially what concerns your safety)
- See each video lesson at least 3 times
- Take small notes during the second view
- Ask what is not clear in the comments
- Put into practice what has been learned (through the eventual exercises, tests, etc.)
- Practicing with constancy, regularity and respect for the art (Kung Fu is not a one-time “course”, it is a lifelong path that never ends)
- Do not do more or less than is suggested (this is important especially for beginners)
Where can I find the video courses?
Choose your course here: Premium Home Study Video Courses.
Final notes
A few important aspects to consider:
- If you think that a video course could be a secondary choice, a low-intensity path or a shortcoming, you are totally wrong; we aim for the maximum possible martial result (this means that we will ask you everything you can give)
- Remember, the price you pay for each course is as an “offer” to support the work of divulgation of the school and in no case as a “purchase”; Kung Fu cannot be sold, given away or bought, the real price to pay for the final result is the sum of the discipline, concentration and preparation that you will put following the instructions of your instructor
- …
A note by Master Kongling – My last advice is: to avoid shortcuts, this is the best way to get quality results. In all other cases, Kung Fu will hardly develop in you. Do not forget it.
In-depth video courses
- Basic 6 Dragons Kung Fu Exercises – The right video course to start with 6 Dragons Kung Fu
- Advanced speed and reflexes training – One of our best seller video courses
In-depth articles
- Is 6 Dragons Kung Fu effective? – How can you know if 6 Dragons Kung Fu is working or not?
- 6 Dragons Kung Fu review (by Cristian Albertini) – What do other martial artists think about 6 Dragons Kung Fu?
Reply in the comments and share your experience:
- What video course would you like to try?
Author: Master Kongling
Founder of 6 Dragons Kung Fu.How to master 6 Dragons Kung Fu?
Are you searching for:
- Daily training exercises?
- Synthetic theory and concepts?
- A step by step path from white to black belt?
- A path (clear, consequential and gradual) designed to build real martial skills?
- A direct contact with Master Kongling?
Go to our Patreon page and choose a training plan: starting from the Practitioner level, you will gain access to all this and much more.
Inside each Premium Lesson, you will receive the same teaching (practices, tips, concepts, small secrets and corrections) reserved to the live students of Master Kongling.
Important - Once a certain number of registrations are reached, no other participants can be accepted. For more information write to: [email protected].
June 19, 2019 @ 9:35 pm
thanks for this explanation master
June 19, 2019 @ 9:45 pm
thanks for this explanation master
June 20, 2019 @ 12:54 pm
June 17, 2022 @ 4:37 am
The advanced speed and reflexes one.