Having discipline: do not contradict ourselves
What truly is (self) discipline?
“Having discipline means doing what we think, without acting on the basis of how we feel”.
Note – This article has been asked by one of our Core Course practitioners on Patreon (see how to attend our home study classes here Learn Kung Fu online: a beginner-to-expert course).
In martial arts as well as in any aspect of life, the first thing we need to develop is self-discipline:
- Once acquired this skill, all the remaining road is downhill
- Without it, we will never start to achieve concrete and tangible results
Do not contradict ourselves
If we think about it for a moment, nothing is more silly than going in contradiction with ourselves.
Once an idea has been subjected to the test of our reason, it’s completely absurd to overshadow our decision on the basis of things like:
- Momentary weaknesses
- Collateral desires
- Eventual distractions
- Leak of concentration
- Fear of failing
- Superficial opinions
- …
How to remain faithful to the decisions we have made
In any project / decision of our lives, we must identify:
- A time for planning (preparation) – We need to evaluate and think about how, what, where, why, when and especially if we have to pursue our intent; a working plan design must have a precise beginning, duration and end (the projects that have no precise development times are called dreams and they do not interest us)
- A processing moment (discipline) – We will never reach perfection (it does not exist at all), when we have decided and defined a solid project, the time for doubts must end; we have only one option, start to work and do not rest until the result is achieved
- A phase of correction / adaptation (concentration) – The fact of having started working means that nothing can stop us but not that we can not adjust the aim of our goal; the important thing is that our choices must not be influenced by weak factors, similar to those mentioned above
Love the errors
No project worthy of the name proceeds smoothly from start to finish. It is completely normal:
- To face errors and misunderstanding
- To find things that (apparently) seem more profitable and easy to reach
- To suffer fatigue and frustration
- To (apparently) see that the others are obtaining more with less
- To be advised to change direction
- …
We all have the same feelings, concerns and temptations but nothing of these must distract us from our decision (read One man: one word) because, otherwise, we will find ourselves each time:
- With the obligation to start over
- With nothing in our hands
- Each time less motivated
- Having wasted time and energy unnecessarily
- …
The road will not be straight
The only things that legitimately will be able to divert our route are:
- The inevitable mistakes we will face (read Measure ourselves with errors)
- The advice resulting from the dialogue with people who have already achieved the results we are aiming at
A note by Master Kongling – Let’s be clear: we do not have to obey others, we must carefully reflect on what they bring to our attention but only to make a criticism to ourselves (in a constructive way). If our intention is good and does no harm to anyone, in no circumstances, weakness must be able to stop or force us to turn back.
In the next article of this series, we will see some practical methods to start building our self-discipline.
In-depth video courses
- How to build strong self-discipline – A step-by-step path to that kind of self-control that brings results (in life, martial arts, work, etc.)
- Mind self-control hacks – How to improve our mental capabilities (focus, planning, quick reasoning, etc.)
- Basic 6 Dragons Kung Fu exercises – An effective conditioning routine that helps to build correct habits with a lower mental effort
- Meditation: how to start – A step-by-step path toward the benefits of meditation
In-depth articles
- How to solve any kind of life problem – The 6 Dragons Kung Fu’s Method to solve problems
- How to train with perseverance – A few tips on how to train in the correct way
Reply in the comments and share your experience:
- What is the goal you want to reach through self-discipline?
Author: Master Kongling
Founder of 6 Dragons Kung Fu.How to master 6 Dragons Kung Fu?
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December 1, 2018 @ 7:01 am
What can I do to do not forget what have I chosen to do?
December 2, 2018 @ 11:39 am
You have to work on your concentration span. The key is concentration but to start you can use anchors, for example, a stimulus that automatically reminds you what to do:
We will talk about this deeply in future articles.
April 16, 2022 @ 8:51 am
being able to admit an error is the right way to understand what is essential and what is not
February 27, 2024 @ 9:23 pm
My goal is to train in 6 dragons!
March 1, 2024 @ 5:32 pm