Lesson 2 – 6 Dragons Kung Fu born: from what/who
Master Kongling: I am nothing
Hi, nice to meet you, my name is Kongling, I am nothing.

I’m the founder of the 6 Dragons Kung Fu Style (6DKF) and before starting I want to stress that:
- Even if you will find a lot of “Master Kongling” mentions I will not consider myself a master, never, nor today, nor tomorrow (it’s only a reference to martial arts teaching)
- I have practiced a lot of martial arts but I am very far from being an expert in any of them (even for the ones that I’ve practiced daily, for years)
- Each time I learn something new or I acquire a new skill, I understand once again how socratically ignorant I am and how far I am from perfection (the process of martial growth never ends)
- I am not the best 6 Dragons Kung Fu practitioner, that person is among you
- I am not the best 6 Dragons Kung Fu fighter, that person is among you
- I am not the first 6 Dragons Kung Fu grandmaster, that person is among you
A note by Master Kongling – I said these 3 last things for a specific reason: I am focused on the idea of making your Kung Fu better than mine. You are the continuity of the style and if no one becomes better than the previous generation, the style will impoverish instead of improving and growing (as it happened for many traditional martial arts, read The disadvantages of “traditional” Kung Fu).
My story in brief
I don’t like to talk about me but these are a few pieces of information useful to help you understand our method.
4 things about me and 6 Dragons Kung Fu:
- Since 1993, I have practiced and studied martial arts with passion and intensity (Jeet Kune Do, Shaolin Quan, Systema, Mei Hua Quan, Aikido, Taiji Quan, Ninjutsu, Kali / Eskrima, Karate, Wing Chun, Jiu-Jitsu, etc.)
- In 2001, 6 Dragons Kung Fu started to move its first steps (in 2005 it acquired its actual name)
- Since 2007 I have searched, studied and (if possible) visited the best masters of martial arts all over the world
- Since 2010, I have shared online free lessons, tutorials, resources and information for real martial arts practitioners and people interested in (real) self-defense
A note by Master Kongling – If you want to know more about my past you can read my full story my path and especially the errors that made me what I am here Who is Master Kongling? and in the connected articles.
In the present moment in which I am writing:
- On average I train 6 days per week (1 day for rest), with no interruptions in the entire year
- While I am writing, on average, I train each day for at least 5 hours (1 hour in the morning, 4 hours at night)
- In the last years, I have collected approximately 4500 hours of pure martial arts theory study
- I’ve been involved in dozens of confrontations and unfortunately, in a lot of self-defense scenarios
- I teach physically on my guan and online to various students all over the world (Italy, Mexico, Great Britain, India, China, United States, France, Brazil, etc.), the lessons are the same (if you want to participate subscribe to the Core Course on Patreon, from Practitioner level on)
- I produce each week a lot of martial arts articles and tutorials followed by novices but also by instructors and masters (thank you for your patience with my poor English!)
- I practice Yoga, hard and soft Qi Gong almost every day (meditation, various kinds of conditioning, flexibility, etc.)
- I practice a lot of martial arts exercises even during the rest of the day (inserting them, each time is possible, inside my daily activities, read The constant training in everyday life)
- I develop each day techniques / skills of 6 Dragons Kung Fu, Ninjutsu and the Shaolin Temple (read also All the skills of 6 Dragons Kung Fu)
- I regularly visit Grandmasters for private lessons to catch their secrets
- …
A note by Master Kongling – Even if for someone this could appear enough or too much: this is very far to be enough. It is never enough.
Why another martial art?
It does not exist a perfect martial art and 6 Dragons Kung Fu is not perfect.
In my martial life, I’ve found a lot of good combat and training systems but each of them was incomplete, after years of research, now, as a “puzzle”, I have created not overlapping but bridges between these “elements” apparently irreconcilable.
On one hand (during training, fights, etc.), I have developed new ideas, on the other I have studied (and still study) the concepts / methods of the best masters / athlete / combat systems (from the past and from our time).
My goal is to:
- Convert tested and working theories into practice (connecting everything through in-depth experimentation, review and synthesis)
- Share the result with real practitioners who want to become independent of the not-working classic learning patterns and ineffective application modes (read Why martial arts do not work: 5 reasons)
If you want an idea, in terms of perspective, Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune Do is the most similar martial art to 6 Dragons Kung Fu but even it, I found that it was not exactly what I was searching for in terms of structure (probably due to the premature death of its great founder, read The real Bruce Lee’s legacy).
Why I have created a free and complete Kung Fu course
3 words: serenity, security and health.
After benefiting first person from the positive effects of martial practice (read for example 10 things that change for 6DKF’s practitioners (physical) and 12 things that change for 6DKF’s practitioners (mental)), I chose as a mission to share this treasure:
- I want you to feel a gradual but radical change of life through a serious Kung Fu (“hard work”) path
- I want to share everything (without untold secrets) with you and with all those people who have never had this kind of opportunity
- What matters most to me is that 6 Dragons Kung Fu’s practitioners can live a full, free life, far from unfounded fears, real dangers and dissatisfaction
- I have chosen this path especially to help those who want to get rid of slavery of the classical gym method (prostituting or burying their skills and talents in the name of not-well-known-fake-traditions and / or of poor, insecure and envious “instructors”, read Recognize a good / bad master: 5 characteristics)
I want to put wings on those who, through Kung Fu:
- First, want to express themselves rather than a style
- Second, want to achieve the highest level of personal discipline, preparation and concentration
In my entire life and my past work experiences, I’ve always found it important and satisfying to freely share knowledge and with this spirit, I serenely chose to devote my entire life to Kung Fu.
A note by Master Kongling – As you may imagine, the writing of this Kung Fu course requires a lot of time, it is and it will remain free but if you do not help me, I will never have the possibility to publish it entirely: even if you do not think to follow our Core Course, even a small monthly donation could be the drop that could make a difference (visit our Patreon page for more info).
In-depth articles
- The difference between 6DKF and other martial arts – An exposition of the core differences between our other martial arts
- Is it legit? – The only true way to evaluate if a martial art is legit or not
<< Lesson 1 – Index – Lesson 3 >>
Author: Master Kongling
Founder of 6 Dragons Kung Fu.How to master 6 Dragons Kung Fu?
Are you searching for:
- Daily training exercises?
- Synthetic theory and concepts?
- A step by step path from white to black belt?
- A path (clear, consequential and gradual) designed to build real martial skills?
- A direct contact with Master Kongling?
Go to our Patreon page and choose a training plan: starting from the Practitioner level, you will gain access to all this and much more.
Inside each Premium Lesson, you will receive the same teaching (practices, tips, concepts, small secrets and corrections) reserved to the live students of Master Kongling.
Important - Once a certain number of registrations are reached, no other participants can be accepted. For more information write to: [email protected].
December 31, 2017 @ 1:53 am
I only want to say thank you master kongling, no one has done this before
May 4, 2018 @ 4:05 pm
Thanks, you are my fuel.
June 9, 2019 @ 8:06 am
You are a great man.
June 16, 2019 @ 6:07 pm
October 2, 2019 @ 9:48 am
I think no one is understanding the type of great work you are doing for free: no one is like you. No one has your preparation, no one share so much and without hiding anything.
October 8, 2019 @ 12:04 am
Thanks but the really special people are those like you, those who sustain my work sacrificing their time practicing and their economic resources supporting our school. It is for you that we have created the 6 Dragons Kung Fu Core Course:
January 1, 2024 @ 3:22 am
I thank you 😊 for granting me entrance to your on-line 6 Dragons Kung Fu School. I at the age of 60 have realized in the most profound way, the energy ALL around Us. I, when I was younger & arrogant thought martial arts was all about striking, not realizing the true identity of the energy within and all around each and every life, tree, blade of grass, rock and even the very spacetime that we inhabit in this universe. It is a realization that I understand could change everything. I have also realized that this universe, we do not just inhabit but are the living, breathing conscious part of IT. This has effected me at a very deep spiritual level. I from a very early age faced death so many times and surprisingly survived with very little training in self defense. I wish to learn from you and discover the art of Kung Fu. I understand the responsibility and the commitment I must make to become proficient in this art. I thank you for your teachings Master Kongling and hope I am worthy.
January 1, 2024 @ 5:44 am
Welcome 🙂