Fighting and mind control: the anchors
Is it possible to control what is outside our mind?
Let’s start with a simple statement: we will never be able to control what happens outside our mind.
Note – This article has been asked by one of our Core Course practitioners on Patreon (see how to attend our home study classes here Learn Kung Fu online: a beginner-to-expert course).
We can (and we must) plan our actions (read How to solve any kind of life problem) but there will be always the possibility that something unexpected prevents the events from going the way we want: it is inevitable.
Often the desire to subjugate others, time and space, is so strong that we forget what is the only thing we can truly aspire to “control”: the interpretation of the reality we perceive through our mind.
Until we understand that our existence is based in 99% of cases on the sense we give to what our senses perceive, we will always be dominated by someone or something else.
Who controls our minds?
Normally, the changes in our mental state happen spontaneously, in relation to external events, for example:
- We are threatened and we are afraid
- Someone makes a joke and we laugh
- It’s raining and we are sad
- Someone beat us and we get angry
- …
Is all this inevitable?
No. All this does not happen inevitably (or outside our cognitive range), in most cases it is possible to block or even alter our natural reactions: it is just a matter of concentration and training.
What does our emotional state depend on?
The emotional state of a person depends on 2 kinds of psychophysical variables:
- The external ones (eg. interpersonal relationships)
- The internal ones (eg. the state of our health)
As long as we remain connected to variables (in the meaning of “things that just vary beyond our desire”) we will never be able to take the reins of our mind or of our life.
A note by Master Kongling – Every morning, the first phrase that I say to myself is: “Never let what is outside my mind negatively alter what happens inside of it”.
How to get control of our emotions: the anchors
A Note by Master Kongling – In mathematical and computer terms, the concept of “variable” (alterable value) is opposed to that of “constant” (unalterable value).
The first solution is to collect and organize, in our brain, a set of constants:
- Unalterable values residing in our memory
- Unalterable moods belonging to precise moments in the past
- Points of reference that we can call whenever we need
- …
A Note by Master Kongling – A good example of “constant” could be the most beautiful day of our life.
Anchors: what are and how they work
A note by Master Kongling – 6 Dragons Kung Fu adopts different methods to control the mind, in this case, we will analyze one that is very simple (but that should be used almost exclusively in “emergency” situations, we will see why).
Let’s introduce the concept of “anchors”: sensory stimuli that, in case of need, help us to instantly recall a specific mental state.
How to use the anchors:
- We have to choose a clear physical stimulus X at will (eg. pressing a fingernail on a finger, biting the tongue, licking our lips in a certain way, etc.)
- We must avoid things flashy, difficult to reproduce, outside the body or already typical of our everyday life
- Let’s activate the stimulus that we have chosen (the anchor) whenever we find ourselves in the state of mind Y that we want to connect to
- We want to associate the chosen stimulus X, a Y constant (such as concentration, happiness, excitement, courage, winning attitude, etc.)
- We have to be very precise, if for example, we choose happiness, we have to stimulate us whenever we find naturally in this condition (when we achieve a result, when we are happy, when we receive a compliment, etc.)
- More times and more consistently we will connect the stimulus X to the constant Y, the more our mind will be conditioned to accept to associate the anchor to the chosen mood (as happens, for example, when we eat a food that we like and enjoy, even only its smell creates a reaction inside ourselves)
- The idea is that if we get used feeling a pinch every time we are happy, in the same way, even in a grim situation, at the occurrence of this call, the mind will become positive
- The conditioning should have a period of anchorage (at least) of 1-2 months to operate satisfactorily and with a lot of occasions of “mood registration” (at least 15-20 times)
A note by Master Kongling – I personally tested the anchors even for combat, to create a specific body reaction in relation to a particular stimulus: it worked brilliantly (read also The right way to develop muscle memory).
How to gain the best results
If we do not proceed with precision everything will be useless, so, let’s see a few tips:
- The method is simple and works very well but has only one downside, if we abuse it, the anchor loses effectiveness and consistency or, worse, it will connect us to the opposite of the desired mood (eg. from happiness to sadness)
- This is why we consider the anchors an emergency method, useful for example in dangerous situations (eg. to call all the concentration and fight to the best of our ability, read Become the absolute zero) but can also serve to pull off an unexpected smile, simulate deep sadness, etc.)
- The idea is to activate the anchor 9 times out of 10 (9 times when we are actually in the state of mind that we want to connect and 1 time on 10 to simulate it)
- Anchors can be alimented also with music (read Workout music: how, when, why), movies and real / spontaneous situations in theme with the state of mind we want to instill in us
- Anchors work best when accompanied by thoughts and sensory feelings connected with the desired mood (let’s try to use all the possible senses)
- The stronger are the events / situation that we tie to the stimulus the better it will work and last; let’s try to find something that has a strong and pure impact on us
- The real “difficult” part is to remember, in emotional moments, to register the stimulus but this depends on us and on our focus
- …
Final notes
A few conclusive thoughts:
- This method has several applications, for example, it is interesting to point out that it does not just give us the power to control our mental states but even our voluntary and involuntary physical reactions (vomiting, tears, sweat, etc., read Advanced body control) but this is more complex and dangerous (we will tell more about this later)
- Outside of emergency situations, a good 6 Dragons Kung Fu practitioner shouldn’t need to resort to this kind of gimmick; the self-discipline that requires constant training should already be sufficient to manage most of the problems related to daily life
- It is also useful to stress that in some cases, an interesting collateral effect may occur; if we succeed (constantly) in positively employing this method we will have less and less need for it; this happens because we automatically enter a positive spiral where the absence (or rarity) of situations in which our mind is a victim of circumstances will make us feel much stronger and more confident in ourselves
- This NLP method can be used also in relation to the interaction with specific objects (eg. wearing, jewels, etc.) but it is a less preferable conditioning because they could not be at our disposal at the moment of need
- In conclusion, it must be said that the more complex and extreme the result we want to obtain, the less we have to abuse it; if instead we aim for simple small improvements then we can easily use the anchors more frequently
- …
In the next article of this series, we will see how to use other types of anchors without conditioning (if you want us to give priority to this topic read Learn Kung Fu online: request a specific article).
In-depth video courses
- Mind self-control hacks – How to take control of your mind and achieve better performance
- Basic 6 Dragons Kung Fu Exercises – The core practices to build substantial combat skills
- Advanced speed and reflexes training – A speed development path designed to reach high-level combat reactivity
In-depth articles
- Mind skills: what we will learn – What 6 Dragons Kung Fu develops in terms of mind skills
- How to always be ready to fight – Even for the best possible warrior it is very hard to always be ready to defend
Reply in the comments and share your experience:
- What difficulties do you encounter in creating an anchor?
Author: Master Kongling
Founder of 6 Dragons Kung Fu.How to master 6 Dragons Kung Fu?
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February 23, 2019 @ 3:22 pm
Absolutely fantastic!!!
February 27, 2019 @ 11:48 am
September 4, 2020 @ 11:54 am
It is hard for me to remember when I am in the mood to activate the anchor……
October 21, 2020 @ 9:13 am
Take a note that you see every day in the morning 😉
July 10, 2022 @ 12:45 am
Very interesting…
July 31, 2023 @ 11:48 pm
August 6, 2023 @ 6:54 pm