Kung Fu vs MMA: the best fights
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Master Kongling All, Free guides, Premium contents, Questions and answers 0
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Master Kongling All, Premium contents, Questions and answers, Training 0
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Master Kongling All, Premium contents, Questions and answers, Training 0
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Master Kongling All, Premium contents, Questions and answers core concepts and principles, Taekwondo 0
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Master Kongling All, Premium contents, Questions and answers core concepts and principles, Krav Maga 0
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Master Kongling All, Premium contents, Questions and answers BJJ, core concepts and principles, Jiu Jitsu 0
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Master Kongling All, Premium contents, Questions and answers core concepts and principles, Muay Thai 0
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Master Kongling All, Premium contents, Training tools training dummy 0
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Master Kongling All, Premium contents, Questions and answers core concepts and principles, Karate 0
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Master Kongling All, Conditioning, Exercises, Premium contents dodging, punch 0
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Master Kongling All, 6DKF techniques, Free guides, Premium contents guard stance 0
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Master Kongling All, Fighting strategy, Free guides, Premium contents 0
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Master Kongling All, Fighting strategy, Premium contents MMA 0
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Master Kongling All, Self defense, Weapons firearms, knife 0
What are the worst combat tools for self-defense and why Any tool proper or improper weapon (read Self-defense improvised weapons [MINI-GUIDE]) can be an effective self-defense tool (in fact, in the hands of an expert, even just a splinter of glass can solve a complex scenario) but only if there are the right premises to […]
Master Kongling All, Premium contents, Questions and answers 0
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Master Kongling All, Questions and answers Martial arts movies 0
A film with a measured epic that aims at the essence of martial arts In the panorama of martial arts movies, David Mamet’s film (about BJJ, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) is a little niche and the reason is that it represents a more realistic approach to martial dynamics: Note – This article has been asked by one […]
Master Kongling All, Conditioning, Fighting strategy combat instinct, combat tactics, concentration, core concepts and principles, martial arts skills, multitasking, quick reasoning 0
What is the connection point between strategy and instinct? In mental terms, the sooner we become aware that any type of combat is a real-time chess match, the sooner we understand the importance of a mind capable of (relatively) complex quick reasoning. Note – This article has been asked by one of our Core Course […]
Master Kongling All, Conditioning, Exercises, Stealth techniques invisibility, ninja, Ninjutsu, shinobi, stealth, stealth walking 0
The necessary body and mind capabilities The first step to mastering the art of stealth walking is conditioning, in other words, a cyclical interconnection between: Note – This article has been asked by one of our Core Course practitioners on Patreon (see how to attend our home study classes here Learn Kung Fu online: a beginner-to-expert […]
Master Kongling All, Conditioning, Fighting strategy, Premium contents, Training speed 0
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Master Kongling All, Exercises, Premium contents 0
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Master Kongling All, Exercises, Premium contents abs, warm-up 0
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Master Kongling All, Fighting strategy, Martial arts short tips 0
Martial arts fast tips: defensive footwork, move smart and stay safe You have to learn to master balance and footwork to evade attacks effectively. Pivot, shuffle and angle yourself to control the fight’s rhythm.
Master Kongling All, Fighting strategy, Martial arts short tips 2
Martial arts fast tips: exploit timing to strike You have to learn to anticipate opponents’ moves and counter swiftly. How? Learn to recognize the openings to turn their attacks into opportunities for your own strike.
Master Kongling All, Fighting strategy, Martial arts short tips 0
Martial arts fast tips: energy efficiency, preserve and dominate If you don’t train every day for several hours, don’t waste even the minimum energy on unnecessary movements. Use your resources efficiently, for useful strikes and a lasting defense: let fatigue the adversar.
Master Kongling All, Premium contents, Premium Video Courses 2
All the lessons included in the video course The Meditation: how to start lessons include: In-depth video courses
Master Kongling All, 6DKF techniques, Fighting strategy, Martial arts short tips 0
Martial arts fast tips: basic ground fighting techniques, a secret treasure Learn the basic submission holds and escapes. Against a normal person, even if you are not an expert, grappling skills will give you an overwhelming advantage on the ground.
Master Kongling All, Martial arts short tips 0
Martial arts fast tips: the risk of martial arts courses The worst thing that can happen is a bad instructor, the second one is wrong training partners. Solo training serves to discover and limit their eventual negative incidence… well before being a victim of it.
Master Kongling All, Premium contents, Premium Video Courses 0
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Master Kongling All, Fighting strategy, Martial arts short tips, Self defense 0
Martial arts fast tips: self-defense, do not use the wrong kicks Until you are not well trained in dynamic combat contexts (and used to throw a minimum of 30 kicks per day), never hit with the legs above the knee level: the risks far outweigh the benefits.
Master Kongling All, Conditioning, Premium contents, Questions and answers, Training 0
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Master Kongling All, Martial arts short tips 0
Martial arts fast tips: mental resilience, why the mind matters Practice meditation and learn to remain calm even under pressure. A focused mind ensures you make effective decisions and execute combat techniques flawlessly.
Master Kongling All, Martial arts short tips 0
Martial arts fast tips: situational awareness, the power of passive vigilance As animals do (without effort), you have to learn to always be aware of your surroundings to anticipate threats. Only through a peaceful and relaxed awareness, you will be able to react swiftly to potential dangers before they escalate.
Master Kongling All, Conditioning, Fighting strategy combat range, spatial intelligence, spatial memory 0
Combat range management: exploit time and space In a dynamic scenario, when our body learns to instinctively feel and understand the basic striking distances: We can start to fight at a more tactical level. Note – This article has been asked by one of our Core Course practitioners on Patreon (see how to attend our […]
Master Kongling All, Conditioning, Mind / body control, Questions and answers, Training, Wellness / health breathing, endurance, power, stamina 2
Why proper breathing is a primary goal This task is often overlooked by those who start with martial arts but its role is fundamental: as in combat and training, maintaining controlled breathing is the secret to incrementing the duration of our (useful) performance. Note – This article has been asked by one of our Core […]
Master Kongling All, Martial arts short tips 0
Martial arts fast tips: adaptability, the key to prevail in any self-defense scenario No tactic, skill or technique fit all situations. It is for this reason that the best way to address self-defense preparation is the multidisciplinary one: this way you will always have at least one option to exploit.
Master Kongling All, Martial arts short tips 0
Martial arts fast tips: striking precision, sharpen our strikes If your life is in danger, do not be generic: land powerful blows by focusing on precise target areas. Aim for vulnerable spots like eyes, neck and groin.
Master Kongling All, Martial arts short tips 0
Martial arts fast tips: striking, maximum power? Who thinks being able to always strike by exploiting the entire muscle chain demonstrates a low fighting experience. It’s right to try to always release a good amount of power but in many cases, it’s impossible or doing so prevents us from taking advantage of crucial opportunities.
Master Kongling All, Martial arts short tips 0
Martial arts fast tips: self-defense? do not waste time Do not waste time with those techniques that delude to solve specific self-defense scenarios: good or not, THEY WILL NEVER WORK without a solid preparation (mental and physical). Start a serious martial path or focus on prevention, negotiation and self-control.
Master Kongling All, Martial arts short tips 2
Martial arts fast tips: martial arts and wrong contextualization: don’t get fooled Martial arts does not mean automatically being able to fight, it all depends on the type of training and on the goals of a specific school (there are endless possibilities). The point is that you become good at doing what you do and […]
Master Kongling All, Martial arts short tips 0
Martial arts fast tips: self-defense in a crowd, 4 tips First, most people don’t intervene. Second, if you don’t keep an eye on the whole scenario you can easily be targeted by third parties (even unrelated to the story). Third, those who intervene may have not understood who the victim is. Fourth, never let anyone […]
Master Kongling All, Self defense, Weapons improper weapons, improvisation, weapons fight 2
Why improper weapons are crucial in self-defense Let’s start with these simple 3 reasons: Note – This article has been asked by one of our Core Course practitioners on Patreon (see how to attend our home study classes here Learn Kung Fu online: a beginner-to-expert course). So, is it all that easy? Is it enough to […]
Master Kongling All, Martial arts short tips 0
Martial arts fast tips: the biggest self-defense lie The most common lie is that a beginner can disarm someone: in 90% of cases, in a real context, he / she will fail. Any type of weapon provides a too large advantage, difficult for even an expert to fill. It is not a question of waiting […]
Master Kongling All, 6DKF techniques, Conditioning, Fighting strategy, Training 2
How to discover our personal, most effective, fighting technique A good fighter aims to know the highest possible number of techniques but he / she truly masters only a few ones; between these, there is one that he / she can: Note – This article has been asked by one of our Core Course practitioners […]
Master Kongling All, Martial arts short tips 0
Martial arts fast tips: self-defense, prevent an ambush in an enclosed space Inside a building, if you feel you are in danger (and you are not trained to use the overall view), focus your attention on the corners: in 90% of cases this is where the bad guys go hide.
Master Kongling All, Fighting strategy, Martial arts short tips 0
Martial arts fast tips: how to excell in combat The practitioner who excels in fighting is not the one who can mechanically reproduce the greatest number of techniques but rather the one who has understood the few (but crucial) principles that govern them and has passed every single day of his / her life to […]
Master Kongling All, 6DKF philosophy, Fighting strategy, Mind / body control 2
From a mental point of view, what is the best way to address fight? Our reasoning starts with a parallel with combat sports, where there is a figure (which most people rarely recognize as they should): the coach. Note – This article has been asked by one of our Core Course practitioners on Patreon (see […]
Master Kongling All, 6DKF philosophy, 6DKF School, Martial arts short tips 2
Martial arts fast tips: the best way to learn The wise practitioners are thankful for their past errors, they have benefited from them. They wait for future ones: to learn new lessons.
Master Kongling All, 6DKF techniques, Fighting strategy, Martial arts short tips 0
Martial arts fast tips: what is the less effective fighting technique? Excluding everything that is fake or too choreographic, the only real discriminant is the personal level of mastering: the number of contexts you have tested it, the experience you have to adapt it to the present scenario, the capability you have to recognize the […]
Master Kongling All, Premium contents, Premium Video Courses 0
All the lessons included in the video course The Martial arts weight loss: how to lessons include: In-depth video courses
Master Kongling All, Martial arts short tips, Self defense 0
Martial arts fast tips: self-defense: the error to avoid In a real situation, even if we are more than “certain” to prevail, there are 2 thoughts from which it is better to be bribed before accepting a fight: the 1st is that we could go wrong (and pay all the consequences), the 2nd is that […]
Master Kongling All, Self defense, Self defense scenarios 2
Why you don’t have to immediately attack at full power When it comes to self-defense, one of the most common perceptions often revolves around the idea of throwing as much as possible powerful punches and kicks to instantly incapacitate an opponent. Note – This article has been asked by one of our Core Course practitioners […]
Master Kongling All, Premium contents, Self defense, Self defense scenarios 0
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Master Kongling All, 6DKF School, Premium contents, Real masters, Training 0
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Master Kongling All, Martial arts short tips, Self defense 4
Martial arts fast tips: self-defense: how to prevail The attackers choose their victims and always try to impose their strengths, the only way to have at least 1 chance to survive is to train in all fields of self-defense (weapons, bare hands, negotiation, etc.): only in this way you will always have an ace up […]
Master Kongling All, 6DKF School, Premium contents 0
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Master Kongling All, Premium contents, Training tools 0
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Master Kongling All, 6DKF techniques, Fighting strategy, Premium contents 0
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Master Kongling All, Premium contents, Questions and answers 0
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Master Kongling All, Conditioning, Premium contents, Questions and answers 0
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