6 Dragons Kung Fu exercises’ characteristics
What are the common points between all the 6 Dragons Kung Fu exercises?
Any 6 Dragons Kung Fu’s training session (read 6 Dragons Kung Fu training sessions’ structure) is divided into various exercises but each of them shares these characteristics:
- The duration – In 90% of the cases, an exercise lasts 5 minutes for the beginners and 10 minutes for the intermediates (after the second phase of study, read How to acquire special abilities) ); the special practices (skill acquiring or maintaining) can instead vary from a minimum of 1 minute to a maximum of 2 consecutive hours (depending on the specific needs, read
- The chain execution – In most cases, in a group workout (with partners, read 5 effective ways to find a training partner), the practitioners do not perform the same exercises all together; this way all the training materials can be shared and the less expert students can see how to execute the next practice
- The individual execution – To always train without a partner is totally wrong but even limiting ourselves to the group practice could be extremely deleterious; due to the importance of individual training, most of 6DKF’s exercises can be performed solo; this way our preparation (its duration, intensity, frequency, etc.) is not bound to the more or less good discipline of random people
- Cheap / common training tools – Most of the exercises that we have included in 6DKF, does not require too expensive / specific tools (read The basic equipment for training in 6DKF); especially at the beginning, most of the equipment we need can be replaced by common objects (normally present in every home or, in any case, easily assembled / recovered)
- The practicality – All the exercises we propose are specifically meant to be as much as possible “simple” (executable at multiple levels of understanding and difficulty) and practical (able to gradually build the right muscles memory, combat instinct, flexibility, strength, balance, etc.); in addition to this (thanks to variations, simultaneous execution, handicaps, etc.) we also made sure to always maintain a difficulty proportional to the practitioner’s experience
- The intensity focus – Each practice, even the ones that apparently involve less fatigue, can (must) be calibrated by the practitioner to the desired amount of effort (read Intensity of training: depends on what?); in the total economy of a session, we always have a high energy consumption (this to develop the necessary mental and physical resistance for a real combat, read Why martial arts do not work: 5 reasons)
- The goal to “being in trouble” – Unlike common gym’s mindset, in 6DKF, the exercises we perform and the tools we use do not aim to simplify our workout in any way, it is exactly the opposite (read Measure ourselves with errors); we aim to be prepared for combat, the training must be hard and no comfort should be pursued; once the initial phase is over (read How to start practicing from scratch), the more we are (reasonably) close to our tolerance limit, the better results we will achieve; naturally, doing this, we must respect our body and our mind (learning to instinctively understand what we can and what we cannot do)
- The rule of being always in action – In 6DKF there are no pauses (except for specific exercises that forcibly need them); the preparation of the next activity is already a recovery time (moreover, the order of the exercises must be structured in such a way as to alternate the workloads); in any case, we are always moving, even listening to the theoretical parts (during a lesson or a workout we do not sit, we do not lie down and we do not lean the knees on the floor unless the eventual instructor decides or the exercises provide for it, read Dojo (guan): rules, respect and etiquette)
- Simultaneity and interconnection – When it is reasonable, we always aim to gain more than one benefit at the same time (eg. adding a secondary task to a not too complex routine); each practice aspires to be as much as possible connected to each other (eg. the study of the weapons teach the limbs how to move, the abs can be connected to the muscle chain development, etc.); even the same exercise, is proposed each time a little differently (this favors the muscle memory development, read Same exercises, different execution)
- The customization – Each activity is calibrated and designed to adhere to the specific attitude, aspirations and psychophysical condition of the practitioner (through variations, handicaps, etc.); to achieve the maximum results, the mind needs to forcibly focus on what it is doing and the adaptation of each task help him to remain concentrate; the goal is to do each time better than the last time
- The not need of big spaces – 6DKF has been designed to be performed even in the smallest places (guan, see Training area and external people [ Free video course ]); reached a certain ability, almost all the activities can be done in a very small place (read Move us where crouches an ox: manage the fighting space) but this does not mean that we can avoid big training areas
- A constantly controlled breathing – Each practice involves the right breathing method (normally the warrior’s breathing, read Meditation method 4); even at the end of a very heavy activity, there must be no panting and no bending, it is important to learn to manage breathing through 1-3 controlled inhalations and exhalations (as Shaolin monks do, start reading Meditation method 1); both physically both psychologically, both tactically it is extremely wrong and counterproductive to give in to heavy breathing and / or to tire ourselves to the point of not being able to recover quickly (this way the next day we will not be able to train effectively)
- …
A note by Master Kongling – This is the correct spirit and method of execution of the 6DKF’s exercises: in some parts, it may appear hard or difficult but in Kung Fu, there are no shortcuts and every street that seems smarter or shorter ends up lengthening the path or making us lose the way altogether.
In-depth video courses
- Basic 6 Dragons Kung Fu Exercises – How to execute the most important exercise of 6 Dragons Kung fu
- Diamond Finger conditioning – Learn how to develop the diamond finger skill
In-depth articles
- Achieve maximum performance – Discover how to reach your peak performance
- Practical examples of daily training time subdivision – How to organize the workout times in your daily life
Reply in the comments and share your experience:
- In the same exercise, what differentiates a profitable practice from a useless one?
Author: Master Kongling
Founder of 6 Dragons Kung Fu.
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April 5, 2020 @ 12:27 am
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July 11, 2023 @ 1:42 pm
Absolutely fantastic.
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