5 push-up exercises ideal for beginners / warm-up
Basic push-ups alternatives
In this article, we want to share 5 types of push-up exercises ideal even for beginners.
Note – This article has been asked by one of our Core Course practitioners on Patreon (see how to attend our home study classes here Learn Kung Fu online: a beginner-to-expert course).
Important premises:
- Let’s do some stretching before starting (read Basic soft stretching and How to correctly perform stretching)
- If we are already able to do more than 10 push-ups and if we do not exaggerate with the intensity (repetitions, etc.) these exercises can be performed as a warm-up (read How to correctly perform warm-up)
- Train safely, do not train what is in pain (read also Safe training: the 3 errors rule)
- If we are overweight or completely out of practice we can do only the light version of exercise 1, 2 and 3
- Push-ups must be synchronized with the correct breathing realted to martial arts (read The 6DKF’s combat breathing)
The exercises
Exercise 1
Push-ups from standing against the wall:
- Good for arms / ankles warm-up, pushing hands preparation (and eventually for fingers strengthening)
- This exercise is useful to get used our arms to bend
- We start from a standing position in front of a wall
- The distance from the wall must be at least 1m (the greater the distance, the greater the effort)
- Our feet must be parallel and attached
- We have to symmetrically lean the palms of our hands on the wall
- The arms must be slightly flexed and perpendicular to our body
- The hands and feet, respectively, never come off the surface of the wall and the floor
- Let’s bend our elbows and with a rigid body we flex the ankles to approach the wall
- When we arrive near the wall we have to imagine to push away the wall with our hands to return in the initial position
- Let’s repeat the movement regulating the speed in relation to the result we want to obtain (slow for resistance, fast for explosive power, middle for warm-up, etc.)
- Intermediate practitioners can gradually increase the distance from the wall
Exercise 2
Kneeling push-ups:
- Ideal for wrists / elbows / shoulders warm-up (and eventually for fingers strengthening)
- We start on the ground with our stomach pointing down
- Let’s symmetrically lean on the ground with the palm of our hands and knees
- Our feet should be raised, our legs attached together and our elbows slightly bent
- We simply have to flex our elbows until we are near to the ground
- In coordination, our feet have to raise
- Then we have to return to the starting position and repeat the movement
- Intermediate practitioners can insert a sequence of punches between each push-up
Exercise 3
Push-ups with the upper body:
- Ideal for arms warm-up, abdominals and recovery after injuries (in this case let’s remember to contact a specialized physiotherapist)
- We start on a mattress of a bed with our stomach pointing down (a too rigid surface would limit too much the workout)
- Our arms, our shoulders and must be outside of the surface of the mattress
- The greater the percentage of the body outside the mattress, the greater the effort
- Let’s symmetrically lean on the ground with the palm of our hands
- Our elbows are slightly bent and our legs are open
- We must be at a height that allows us a certain range of movement (up and down)
- We simply have to flex our elbows until we are near to the ground
- Then we have to return to the starting position and repeat the movement
- Intermediate practitioners can lean even only with the feet on the mattress (this make the practice harder than the normal push-ups)
- The exercise can be performed also on the ground (with the legs fully leaning and lifting only the upper part of the body)
- On the ground, the exercise can be executed also without the arms (using the abdominals muscles only)
Exercise 4
A “wrong” version of the normal push-up:
- Ideal as an education to the real push-ups
- We start on the ground with our stomach pointing down
- Let’s symmetrically lean on the ground with the palm of our hands and our toes
- Our legs are attached together and our elbows slightly bent
- We simply have to flex our elbows until we are near to the ground
- Bending our arms we have to maintain our buttocks up, they have not to go down with us (this drastically reduce the effort)
- Then we have to return to the starting position and repeat the movement
Exercise 5
The “normal” push-up:
- Ideal for stamina and power development
- We start on the ground with our stomach pointing down
- Let’s symmetrically lean on the ground with the palm of our hands and our toes
- Our legs are attached together and our elbows slightly bent
- We simply have to flex our elbows until we are near to the ground
- Bending our arms we have not to maintain our buttocks up, they have to go down with us
- Then we have to return to the starting position and repeat the movement
A note by Master Kongling – For a total beginner, these exercises can be performed even only for 1-2 minute but without pauses or slowdowns. We can do specific sessions of each of them or we can divide the amount of time dedicated for executing altogether (eg. 5 of each).
These are safe and extremely simple push-ups exercises ideal for beginners (or as a warm-up) but, with the right adaptations, they can be performed also by advanced practitioners.
Let’s see some interesting variations (not for novices):
- Use a weighted vest (15-25 Kg) or an opposing force (eg. a partner that pushes us down) to make the exercise harder
- Insert a hand clap between each repetition, on one arm, etc. (more about this later)
- Lean on the ground with fingers, knuckles, the back of the hand (etc.) instead of the palm
- Advanced practitioners can also receive punches on the back or kicks on the ribs (regulating power with the conditioning level, read Conditioning check for the impact)
- …
In the next article of this series, we will see more advanced push-ups exercises.
In-depth video courses
- Basic 6 Dragons Kung Fu Exercises – A visual explanation of the fundamental 5 exercises you need to gain real martial skills
- Advanced speed and reflexes training – How to build real execution speed for combat
In-depth articles
- 5 jumping exercises ideal for beginners / warm-up – 5 simple types of jumps that everyone can perform
- 5 running exercises ideal for beginners / warm-up – 5 running training methods at everyone’s reach
Reply in the comments and share your experience:
- How many push-ups can you perform without interruption?
Author: Master Kongling
Founder of 6 Dragons Kung Fu.How to master 6 Dragons Kung Fu?
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November 15, 2018 @ 8:00 pm
20 for now
November 16, 2018 @ 9:43 pm
Good, you can gradually increase.
July 8, 2019 @ 6:30 am
Without these, I would never be able to start with push-ups! You’re my hero!
July 21, 2019 @ 7:30 pm
December 5, 2019 @ 3:05 pm
15 then I must stop
December 7, 2019 @ 8:12 pm
Keep training
March 3, 2020 @ 5:08 pm
I can do 20
March 12, 2020 @ 9:34 pm
June 19, 2021 @ 7:47 pm
I need a help please i wanna be stronge develop big shoulders and also i want to learn Kung fu
June 19, 2021 @ 10:01 pm
From a martial point of view, to become strong you do not have to focus on external aspects but on developing real combat skills.
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